Friday, November 7, 2008


Miles Driven = Zero
Number of Sunny Hours = Zero
Exciting Stories to Report = Zero
Funny Mailboxes Found = One

Day two started and ended inside Daisie Mae (I should remind you that Daisie Mae is the name of our cottage in Provincetown, Cape Cod) and the bit inbetween isn't going to take long to talk about. Another hideously early morning (we're still suffering from jet-lag a bit) meant that a limping Molly was dragged to the beach for a 2 1/2 hour walk that she didn't really want. After a fairly hairy walk along a dual carriageway, we aimed for the signature lighthouse of Cape Cod but a mixture of exhaustion , an unmapped river and Kate's rumbling belly forced us to turn back early.

So the rest of the day is fairly event-free and basically we just ate. Lunch consisted of lobster and king-crab rolls (they are as common as peanut-butter in this part of the world...and priced about the same) and dinner was a homemade affair (i.e. I cooked) of fishcakes.

Best part of the day? This post-box. I'm just assuming he cried himself to sleep an aweful lot between the ages of 8 and 17...

Yes, that's how dull day 3 was. Colonial recreation village in Plymouth tomorrow. Awesome...

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