Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 13 – It’s my birthday and I’ll eat ice cream if I want to

From – Stowe
To – Stowe
Via – The Ben & Jerrys Factory
Miles Driven – Not sure, Grant is really the numbers person

Today’s Photos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/32017704@N03/sets/72157609353633535/

It turns out that writing the blog isn’t all that bad. Right now Grant is trying to bath Molly and getting drenched meanwhile because I am blogging I am allowed to lie on the comfy bed watching VH1, eating skittles and drinking diet coke. I might do this more often.

Yesterday was my birthday and it was a real corker. We woke up to snow and a bunch of lovely messages from home. Thanks to everyone for thinking of me. We are still in the spa hotel and so headed down to breaky to start the day with a couple of huge bloody marys. There aren’t any photos of the pretty special breakfast because whenever the food and drink is really good we get too excited to think about the blog and just down whatever comes.

The main plan for the day was to abandon Molly in the room for a couple of hours while we hit up the Ben & Jerrys factory so we thought we’d better take her out for a wee stroll to wear her out. Since it was snowing I put on jeans, thermal socks, wellies (that might not mean anything to the Yanks - sorry), gloves, a wooly hat and about 8 other layers. Grant put on his shorts and T-shirt which is pretty much the same outfit he had happily worn on the beach in Malaysia a few weeks ago. Then we slipped into our matching waterproof jackets because we are super geeks and off we went.
We only managed 4 miles of the 11 mile loop because I was too excited about getting to the ice cream section of the day.
Ben and Jerry’s started up in Vermont some years ago. I say “some” years ago rather than giving you an actual number because I can’t honestly say I was on the tour for the learning experience and I didn’t take in enough to give you any details without cheating and googling them first. It was really all about the samples followed by the ice cream shop. Needless to say Grant asked lots of questions and was very disappointed in both Ben and Jerry when he found out that they sold the firm to Unilever “some” years ago luckily he still managed to force down his banana split. To be honest it was an interesting tour and the only disappointing part was that the ice cream graveyard for the retired flavours was closed for the season because in keeping with our trips theme something had to be.

It was still snowing lightly after the factory tour so we headed back to the hotels outside hot tub for some picturesque relaxing. I’d intended to swim first in the slightly less heated outdoor pool but didn’t last more than 10 seconds. The hot tub is really more my cup of tea. I’d been sharing all of my birthday treats so far with Grant so left him by the pool while I went to the spa for some pampering – I like this unemployed lark.

Dinner was at Michael on the Hill and had been hyped up a lot by the hotel. I had crab cakes followed by steak and both were delicious, Grant had sweetbreads, which he couldn’t pay me to try followed by salmon with red cabbage. Everything was washed down with Champagne which my hubby is sweet for drinking with me as he actually hates it. For desert Grant had arranged a surprise plate for me and so the cheese and accoutrements he had were apparently a cover for the surprise. Again he managed to force most of it down. This time we weren’t kicked out of the restaurant so that they could close but left pretty early as we were the only people there, in fact Grant had to go and find the waiter in the kitchen to say we were leaving. Town is officially dead this week still that’s a great excuse to be in bed by 10pm which now that I’m 31 is way past my bed time so we hit the hay at that point.

Tomorrow the Von Trapp family lodge – yes that’s right the family that inspired the movie The Sound of Music have a restaurant near Stowe – my sister will be so jealous.

1 comment:

Mykonos said...

Since no-one has the simple decency to say how much they are enjoying reading these posts...I'll be man enough to say that you should keep them coming...and more pix of Molly!