Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 143 – Grumpelstiltskin

Author – Grant
From – Sedona, Arizona
To – Tucson, Arizona
Via – Phoenix, Arizona
Miles Driven – 235

Today’s Photos

The only thing worse than reading about Day 143 is being in Kate’s shoes during Day 143. In summary, I had the hump. The serious hump. I put Quasimodo to shame. I couldn’t even tell you what caused it but given that it has been approximately 28 days since my last hump, it was probably my beeriod. Perhaps it was because we were leaving Sedona which had been such a good, albeit temporary, home for us over the past few nights? Perhaps it was because the day was not going to involve much more than sitting on our ever-fattening asses in the car? Perhaps it was because the weather is getting hotter and I’m getting flashbacks (or, rather, hot flashes) of Singapore? Perhaps it’s because I’m a spoiled brat and don’t realise how lucky I am to be on the trip of a lifetime? Whatever it was, we’re all allowed a day off.

I might be imagining it or it could be a result of my moodiness, but it seems that the further south we have moved in Arizona, the less hospitable it has become. Actually, I already know that this is an incredibly harsh comment as it seems unfair to compare North Arizonans with anyone else on the planet as they have been the friendliest bunch we have encountered so far on this trip. Nevertheless, it seems that people south of Sedona are just a little less willing to spend an extra 10 seconds to say hi or break out a smile. As silly as it sounds, I’m genuinely missing that personal touch and even long for the once annoying conversation starter “are you guys Australian?” Maybe it’s just a big city thing? Oh god, I’m turning into a country boy. One mention of “howdy” in Los Angeles is going to leave me penniless and naked. Let’s hope Kate remembers some of her gritty street sense from being dragged up in the slums of gangster-rich Romford.

Anyway, today’s ultimate destination was Tucson (pronounced Two-Sawn, it helps to affect a French accent despite being just 60 miles from the Mexican border) which makes a convenient base for the Saguaro National Park that houses the huge iconic cacti of the same name…but more of that tomorrow. Today, however, was primarily a travelling day as we passed by (and understandably directly through) places like Big Bug Creek, Bumble Bee and Bloody Creek…how shitty are their tourist marketing drives? We did, however, stop off in Phoenix despite hearing nothing but bad things about the place since getting into Arizona. Obviously it’s impossible to judge a major metropolitan city based on a 45 minute sandwich stop but the place looked nice enough. Clean, modern, low-rise and a tangy BBQ sauce are all traits that I’ll remember from this underrated city that I believe every one should visit at least once in their lifetime for the megacrunch fries alone.

Our first night in Tucson doesn’t really merit much air-time as I still had the hump and Kate dragged us on a truly rubbish walk along a waterless river. I’ve learnt that the best thing to do in this circumstance is to have a couple of beers and an early night. As Annie put so well, “it’s only a day away”.

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