Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 116 - Rodeo Run

Author – Kate
Based in - Houston, TX

Today’s Photos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/32017704@N03/sets/72157614569224622/

Plus today’s video of Grant finishing a 10K – he is the one wearing a dark blue top and first pops onto the screen at the back left when the clock in shot hits 59:47, you can see him crossing the finishing line at 59:52 on the left hand side. Check out his celebratory double fist pump. Also to stop Grant sulking I have to tell you that his official running time was actually 56:30 as it took ages for everyone to get to the starting line.

Video of Kate finishing 5K – errrm none, it’s not tough enough for anyone to video it J

I’ve recently developed an unexpected like (I can’t say I’ve reached love yet) for running. After years of hating moving at anything faster than a stroll I’ve started to hunt out chances to go for a jog and so I’m signing us up for any races that coincide well with our road trip. All of the running is helping to balance out some of the extra calories we are getting from eating out each day so I’d signed us up for a 10k in Houston today.

Well that was the plan but last week I suddenly felt some familiar pains in my left foot. I broke a bone in my foot back when we lived in Singapore and spent a few cr@ppy weeks in plaster. For the last few days I’ve been feeling pain in the same area and every now again can be spotted with a ridiculous limp as it hurts when I walk. There wasn’t one event that made it start to hurt so it could be from all of the running or it could even be some kind of sympathy pain for Mollys sore leg. Either way it means I haven’t been doing any running in the last week but Id been looking forward to the 10k in Houston so decided to switch to the 5K and hope that a little run would be ok.

Grant pretends to be annoyed anytime I sign us up for a run so wasn’t too impressed that he was now doing a 10k on his own. That feeling only intensified as it turned out he had a stomach problem all morning so with me limping and Grant in and out of the loo we weren’t exactly feeling full of confidence at the start line in the freezing cold. It’s always at the starting line, when its too cold, too early and you are about to start a run on an unknown course that I wonder if Grant wasn’t there whether Id just run away and pretend I did the race but 35 mins later (I know, pretty darn slow for a 5k) I was as always proud as punch and the pain hadn’t gotten any worse. So off I headed to the “after party” where I more managed to more than replace any used energy with all the sugary snacks on offer and then I was back at the finish in time to see Grant run over the line.

The rest of the day was suitably lazy, we spent our time napping, vegging out with Molly in front of the TV and then went onto Fogo De Chao for dinner. You might remember the Fogo De Chao concept from Day 34 when we went to the Philadelphia branch with Gavin and his folks. I won’t re write everything from there but this time we did remember to take photos. All I think I should say is it was awesome (again), Grant couldn’t stop smiling (again) and our greedy eyes were bigger than our enormous bellies when we ordered desert (again). All in all a fantastic but heart attack inducing meal.
Tomorrow we are moving onto San Antonio home to the Alamo.

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